Meet Jeffrey Morris Pets’ model-in-residence Imogen, more frequently called Imi for short. Imi has been with us for five years, after being rescued from the streets of Istanbul, Turkey at age two. Yes, she came a long way and not only geographically−she is a totally different dog than the mal-nourished, frightened, and physically and emotionally scarred girl that was found near a dumpster. She is now a very sweet and very confident 7-year-old lady who some might consider a little old to be a super model, but not us. Sure, she is white around the face but she is still a super model. I submit these photos from a recent lifestyle session on the Potomac Heritage Trail as evidence.
The story of Imi’s physical and emotional journey is really moving and I will be sharing it with you over the next few months. And of course, each episode will feature images both from Imi’s sessions as well as some candid home pics. Keep a watch for new posts, and you can always catch up by searching #imisbackstory.